Visitors From Around The World

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

All these children were gathering around as we were getting ready for the ceremony where the church was donating many items to the hospital. I had a fun time teaching them alot of songs. They loved singing and were quick to follow even though it was in English. They particularly loved action type songs.
Sister Barlow started ripping pieces of the bubble wrap used to package the items being donated and gave it to the children showing them how to pop the bubbles. They loved it!
Elder Moon assembling the operating table that was being donated. What an improvement over anything they had!
Lots of curious onlookers watched through the bushes the whole morning.
Arriving at the freshly painted hospital in Luputa.

1 comment:

vvjenks said...

We love what you do for your mission and the people there. They must think you are both angels. Close!!

Elder and Sister Jenks