Visitors From Around The World

Sunday, July 5, 2009

This is a typical market with cooking stoves, charcoal, soap, food, and anything you can imagine.

Sister Moon and Sister Livingstone pose with Sister Bokala at their home on the Kinshasa University Campus.

We had dinner with the Kinshasa Stake Patriarch, Elder Bokala, and his wife, shown in the previous picture. After dinner, 6 of their 7 sons and their daughter sang several chuch hymns for the Livingstones and us. They sounded fantastic!!!

This beautiful bird crashed into the window at the mission office. We brought it in, photographed it, and after a few minutes, it was well enough to fly off (in the office) Pascal was able to get it outside and it flew away.

The "mission" sewing machine broke. The speed control foot peddle uses the principle of a carbon pile. Those are all the disks on the white papers on the table. After considerable work I was able to restore the speed control capability. Before repairs it had only one speed, maximum speed.

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