Visitors From Around The World

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We went to a wheelchair ceremony with the Moody's who are serving as the Humanitarian Directors for our mission. When we arrived, we noticed that 1/3 of the wheelchairs needed help. Elder Moon fortunately brought his tools and went to work to adjust chains, and tighten bolts so that they would all work. Two hours later when we were driving home, we saw 3 of the recipients wheeling down Lumumba Boulevard in Kinshasa about 10 kilometers from where the distribution had taken place. They were happy wheelers!

We had a Primary Activity day where the Primary President, Marie Lumu taught the children how to polish shoes.
She also taught them to sew buttons on shirts. They are all experts now!

This is Jeanne Isige and part of her family. Several of them participated in our English class and started meeting with the missionaries. At least four of them have joined the church. Jeanne and her son Patrick have been called to serve in the Primary and are a great asset.

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